
Saturday, January 31, 2004

Quiet Desperation 

My Hot or Not Matches

Heh heh. I like the GameStop guy and the guy who got drunk and paid for membership the most.

How To Get A Boyfriend: Knowledge Compiled From My Sociology And Psychology Classes 

Step 1: Be friendly and cheerful. Even if you think the object of your affection would not appreciate your positive attitude, you are wrong...he would.

Step 2: Be genuinely interested in what he says. Ask questions about him...but don't be pushy. Just give him the impression that you care about him...who he is, what he's interested in, what he thinks, etc.

Step 3: Continue steps 1 and 2 until you feel that the object of your affection considers you a friend.

Step 4: Spend time with TOOYA (the object of your affection). Continue step 2. You don't have to be constantly positive anymore, but it definitely helps. When people are around happy people, they feel happy themselves. You want to make TOOYA feel good about himself so he will enjoy spending time with you. Allow TOOYA to open up to you and be compassionate about his worries and problems. You should let yourself open up to him, too (not in that way...despite popular belief, sex is not the way to get to a man's heart).

Step 5: Once you have developed a good friendship with TOOYA and are spending time with him on a regular basis, you can move in for the kill. I am not exactly sure how this part works, but, according to studies, it shouldn't be too hard. Here is the big secret: When you spend time with a guy and develop a caring relationship with him, he will begin to fall in love with you. Really. This has been studied. So you can hook him, but as far as reeling him in goes, you're on your own. I, admittedly, don't know much about this. If you are lucky, at this point, he will make the next move. Good luck. It should work for you...and I hope it works for me. I wish I had known all of this earlier in life.

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